Digital Marketing


Get Better Rankings by Optimizing Your Website

The higher your pages rank in search engine results the more likely you are to get noticed by potential and current customers. The process of optimizing your website to improve its visibility in search result is called search engine optimization or SEO.

“Successful SEO is not about tricking Google. It’s about PARTNERING with Google to provide the best search results for Google’s users.”

SEO Services

Search engines use bots to crawl pages on the web, going from one page to another to crawl those pages, and index them. When a user types or reads a query in the search box, the search engine uses complex algorithms to extract what it considers to be the most accurate and useful list of results for that query. This includes many factors called ranking factors .We at NAKS use our understanding of these ranking factors to develop and implement search marketing strategies.

Search engines use bots to crawl pages on the web, going from one page to another to crawl those pages, and index them. When a user types or reads a query in the search box, the search engine uses complex algorithms to extract what it considers to be the most accurate and useful list of results for that query. This includes many factors called ranking factors . We at NAKS use our understanding of these ranking factors to develop and implement search marketing strategies.

SEO Services

On page SEO

Improve your web page’s title tags, internal links, HTML code, URL, images, and many other on-page elements.

Off-page SEO

Build your site’s domain authority by generating links and ratings, so your site rises in credibility and rank.

Technical SEO

Improve your web page’s title tags, internal links, HTML code, URL, images, and many other on-page elements.

SEO Audits

Analyze how well your web accessibility, indexation, and optimization is and analyze how well your web presence relates to best practices

E- commerce SEO

Increase the visibility of your products on the web by optimizing the product pages and also by analyzing the competitors.

Local SEO

Help your business to reach the local audience by analyzing their behavior through trillions of searches.